This document sets out the general terms and conditions of registration that apply to your study with Oxford Prestige College (the Centre). Please make sure that you have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we will be pleased to answer your questions. Phone +4402082496340, +4402082496342, Email: info@oxfordprestigecollege.co.uk.
Application – Any information that you provide us with on your application form must be accurate, current and complete in all respects and you should notify us as soon as possible if there are any changes to your details.
Course fees and payment – Course fees and the payment modes are published in the Courses section of our website. The course tuition fees are payable no later than the start date of the course. Failure to pay fees on time may result in cancellation of the enrolment of the learner from the course.
Cancellation of course – If a learner cancels the course having paid for the course in full prior to the course commencement (any time before the course commencement start date) or registration with the awarding body, a refund will be made of the course fees paid less the administration charge of £75 (this includes the awarding body registration and administration fees). However Oxford Prestige College must be informed in writing prior to the commencement of the course start date.
No refunds can be given once the course has commenced –irrespective of whether the learner has paid in full or is paying in instalments.
Refunds will be made within 28 days of receipt of the cancellation notice and will only be made to the paying party.
Transfer/defer course – If a learner wants to transfer to another course from the existing course, there will be an administration charge of £25 – notice must be given at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the course. After the course has commenced there can be no transfer or deferral of the course.
Inactivity Learners – Once enrolled, if the candidate is not pursuing their course either online or face to face and no progress has been recorded for any assessment activities, during this time, the candidate registration will be become inactive. In order to restart the course and activate their registration, there will be a fee payable.
Course – Successful completion of the course, and of the course’s assignments and examinations (if applicable), is the learner’s responsibility. If the course requires an examination, it is the responsibility of Oxford Prestige College to provide an examination centre for the learner. Failure in the examination or assignment may result in further costs if a learner wishes to re-sit.
Computer equipment – Computer equipment and internet access costs are not included in our course fees and are the responsibility of the learner.
Learner behaviour – Learners will follow all the policies outlined in the learner handbook, which would be available once they log into the Learning Management System (LMS). Oxford Prestige College reserves the right to remove from any course, learners that fail to comply with its standard practices and procedure. Oxford Prestige College will not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour directed towards any staff member under any circumstances. This includes threats and bad language and threats via email, in writing, over the telephone or in person. If any learner is found engaging in the above, Oxford Prestige College reserves the right to remove the learner from their course, with no entitlement to any refund of fees.
Extenuating circumstances – You are strongly advised to inform Oxford Prestige College in writing or by email if there are any personal difficulties or extenuating circumstances that would cause an interruption in your learning plan once you have commenced your course. Any agreement of extension, rescheduling or restarting your course will be at the absolute sole discretion of Oxford Prestige College.
Data protection – This privacy statement is applicable to any personal data that is supplied by you to Oxford Prestige College. Any personal information collected from you when you commence your course is held securely by us. Prospective learners will provide us with relevant contact details. When you register for a course, you give permission to Oxford Prestige College to pass your details to the awarding/regulatory body, for your course. This will be used for registration and certification purposes only.
Once you have commenced your course, the awarding body will send any correspondence related to your registration and certification to Oxford Prestige College, which you will authorise Oxford Prestige College to open and verify. Please note that this relates to registration or certification purposes only.
Learner declaration – In the application form the applicant declares that the information supplied on the form is complete and correct and that the giving of false or incomplete information may lead to the refusal of application or cancellation of enrolment.
Disclaimer – We have made every effort to ensure that the information provided about our courses is accurate; however, in the light of altered regulations or policies or other circumstances, we may make changes to the material on the web site or to the products and prices.
Oxford Prestige College may also, by written notice, vary these terms and conditions of enrolment with immediate effect as may be necessary to comply with any legal regulations. If any additions, amendments or alterations are made as mentioned above, a written notice of such change will be communicated to all affected learners with immediate effect. Please refer to www.oxfordprestigecollege.co.uk for more details.