Related National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Sector Subject Area: 6.2 ICT for Users
Related NOS:
IPU: A2 – Use IT systems and software efficiently to complete planned tasks
IPU: B1 – Plan, select and use appropriate IT systems and software for different purposes
IUF: B1 – Use IT systems to meet a variety of needs
IUF: B2 – Manage information storage and retrieval appropriately
ICF: B2 – Access, search for, select and use Internet-based information and assess its fitness for purpose
INT: C3 – Use browser tools to search effectively and efficiently for information from the Internet
ISF: A4 – Make effective use of IT tools and facilities to present information
ISF: B2 – Enter, develop and format different types of information to suit its meaning and purpose
ISF: B3 – Present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience
PS : B1 – Input and combine text and other information within presentation slides
PS : C2 – Use presentation software tools to structure, edit and format presentations
PS : C3 – Prepare interactive slideshow for presentation
SS : C1 – Use a spreadsheet to enter, edit and organise numerical and other data
SS : C2 – Select and use appropriate formulae and data analysis tools and techniques to meet requirements
SS : C3 – Use tools and techniques to present, and format and publish spreadsheet information
WP :C1 – Enter and combine text and other information accurately within word processing documents
WP:C2 – Create and modify appropriate layouts, structures and styles for word processing documents
WP:C3 – Use word processing software tools and techniques to format and present documents effectively to meet requirements